Thursday, August 16, 2012

Be confident in your skin

An open letter to my daughter:

Dear Beautiful,

I see you growing and making your own decisions. You pick out your own haircuts, shoes and clothes. Some are questionable in my eyes but I want you to be you so I support your green headband, brown shorts, blue and black shirt with pink high tops. Girl, you can pull it off. I love you for you. I try to teach you that everyone is different and we all have our own beauty. I personally, think you are the most beautiful thing on this planet but not everyone will feel that way. Not everyone can be your momma. You are amazing, beaming with your beautiful , innocent confidence. I wish I could make you keep that forever but I can't. Society will change you, friends will influence you, magazines will make you feel inferior and there is nothing I can do about it. 

True beauty isn't on the outside, it's on the inside, it's deep down. It may seem cliche but it's true. Many cultures identify beauty on a different level. Beauty isn't about what's wrapped up outside a package with a pretty bow, it's what's inside that box. Beauty is inspiring, it's contagious. It's how you make other people feel in your presence. It's how you love and how compassionate you are towards others. It's achieving that goal no one thought you could. 

We're always going to be judged by our beauty outside but I hope you can keep true on the inside. Be loving, it will go a long way.

Here's my advice to you:

  • Always be comfortable in who you are.
  • Embrace your differences. You don't have to be the same as someone else.
  • Let the negative comments roll off your back.
  • If you stand tall, no one can knock you down.
  • Believe in yourself.
  • Most importantly, love yourself. Love yourself more than you've ever loved anyone else.
You're going to continue to be an amazing person, I believe in you 100%. You're going places, kiddo. I love you more than I will ever be able to show you.


Title credit goes to In This Skin - Jessica Simpson

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